Process automation
in e-commerce
Cel: Zmniejszenie kosztów operacyjnych i zwiększenie elastyczności procesów logistycznych dotyczących sprzedaży na różnych platformach Marketplace.
- Wdrożenie produktu Comarch ERP Optima, Comarch eSale z obsługą zewnętrznych Marketplace (Allegro, Amazon).
- Wdrożenie gospodarki magazynowej, automatyzacja zatwierdzania zamówień złożonych na Marketplace, integracja z systemem WMS umożliwiającym pracę na kolektorach danych.
- Automatyzacja wystawiania faktur sprzedaży oraz wysyłki w formie elektronicznej.
Reducing operational costs and increasing the flexibility of logistics processes for sales on various Marketplace platforms.
Implementation of Comarch ERP Optima, Comarch eSale with support for external Marketplaces (Allegro, Amazon). Implementation of warehouse management, automation of approval of orders placed on the Marketplace, integration with the WMS system enabling work on data collectors. Automation of issuing sales invoices and shipping in electronic form.
Process flow
Maintaining stock levels and product records in Comarch ERP Optima
Current operation of data exchange Comarch ERP Optima - eSale in the machine according to the schedule
Comarch eSale – controls the issuance and completion of offers based on stock levels
The customer makes a purchase on a platform such as Allegro
The order via Comarch eSale is transferred to Comarch ERP Optima
Centroinf RO Approval Automation – verifies RO in the buffer, approves documents and reports those that have data for processing by the office
The Recipient's reservation is sent to the WMS system
A WZ message to RO is received from the WMS system
Centroinf Automat Faktur – transforms WZ to FS and approves the invoice
Comarch ERP Optima CRM sends the invoice to the email address indicated in the order

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our solution works
Contact us to arrange a reference meeting with our Client. See how the solution we have implemented works in practice. Fill out the form and our consultant will contact you to arrange a meeting.