Automation of server operation
Cel: Zmniejszenie kosztów operacyjnych i zwiększenie elastyczności procesów logistycznych dotyczących sprzedaży na różnych platformach Marketplace.
- Wdrożenie produktu Comarch ERP Optima, Comarch eSale z obsługą zewnętrznych Marketplace (Allegro, Amazon).
- Wdrożenie gospodarki magazynowej, automatyzacja zatwierdzania zamówień złożonych na Marketplace, integracja z systemem WMS umożliwiającym pracę na kolektorach danych.
- Automatyzacja wystawiania faktur sprzedaży oraz wysyłki w formie elektronicznej.
Creating an efficient private cloud that is resistant to failure. Minimizing the risk of business losses caused by IT system failure. Increasing the efficiency of IT systems by solving performance-related problems.
Creation of a fully automated environment resistant to hardware failures and ransomware. Implementation of a high availability cluster, disk arrays, implementation of a backup server room in a second location that is a fully automated copy of the production environment. Implementation of a system that allows for the isolation of the production environment from the technical one that allows the production environment to work even in the event of a failure of the base components. Automation of backup copies, implementation of a security policy, implementation of antivirus protection, implementation of a policy of cyclical execution of IT system updates.
Process flow
Creation of an isolated technical network and implementation of physical hosts and a high-availability cluster based on DELL and QNAP hardware solutions.
Deployment and configuration of client production environment virtual machines, configuration of disaster recovery automation including Windows Server Hyper-V Live Migration.
Implementation of an automatic system of copies of physical hosts, copies of virtual machines, copies of Microsoft SQL Server and other data.
Implementation of BitDefender antivirus systems and network hardware security, securing servers and other company devices.
Implementation of a policy for updating server systems and other company devices by implementing appropriate Active Directory policies.
Implementation of a security policy in the area of passwords and dual user authentication by implementing appropriate Active Directory and Microsoft Authenticator policies.
Confirmation of the operation of all implemented solutions by conducting failure simulation tests.
Confirmation of increased efficiency by accelerating the work of audited IT systems.

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our solution works
Contact us to arrange a reference meeting with our Client. See how the solution we have implemented works in practice. Fill out the form and our consultant will contact you to arrange a meeting.